Welcome to your stress evaluation

1- Building Up Stress: How often do you feel stress building inside of you or is it just a one time exception?

2- Constant Overwhelm: Do you regularly feel swamped by everything you have to do or deal with, to the point it doesn't seem to ease up?

3- Life's Pressures: Thinking about your daily life, how often do you feel weighed down by ongoing challenges or unfair situations?

4- Signs of Stress: Have you been noticing any of the following more often than usual, which might be signs that stress is (building up inside of) getting to you? (Give yourself 1 point for any that apply.)

5- Stress and Your Background: When you consider your life to date and the people you have the most involvement with… How much do you believe your personal history or current life situations contribute to your stress level?

6- Concerns About Stress: How much do you worry about the possibility that not dealing with your stress could have serious effects on your health or happiness down the road?

7- Keeping Tabs on Stress: How often are you aware of a higher stress level in your life than there should be?

8- Using Stress-Reduction Tools: Are you familiar with and do you practice methods for reducing your level of stress, like attending knowledge workshops, counseling, meditation or other exercises?

9- Getting By With a Little Help: How effective are your friends, family, or support networks in helping you when stress starts to pile up?

10- Tackling Stress Head-On: When you've managed stress successfully in the past, what approach did you utilize? find most helpful?